A Gut of Gold

by Natasha Jha

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said over 2500 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut”. Today, we know that the microorganisms living in our gut play a vital role in our health, from supporting digestion to strengthening our immunity.

“All disease begins in the gut”

At Atmosphere, we're always talking about gut health and all the ways in which it impacts our lives. After all, we have a greater number of bacteria in our gut than all the cells in our bodies! Let’s take a closer look at what really goes on inside our bodies and why a healthy gut is the best thing for your immunity right now.

After all, we have a greater number of bacteria in our gut than all the cells in our bodies! 

Our gut houses numerous bacteria, viruses and fungi that live all across our intestinal walls. Of these, the friendly ones help us digest our food and absorb nutrients, while the harmful ones can cause digestive issues, diseases and lowered immunity. An ideal gut microbiome is one in which the friendly bacteria thrive and limit the growth of harmful organisms. That’s why it’s so crucial to feed not only yourself but also your gut bacteria, giving them prebiotic food that helps them multiply (think fiber-rich foods like greens, salads and fruits).

 An ideal gut microbiome is one in which the friendly bacteria thrive and limit the growth of harmful organisms. That’s why it’s so crucial to feed not only yourself but also your gut bacteria, giving them prebiotic food that helps them multiply.

The gut-brain link

Happy Gut

Did you know that the food you eat can impact your mood? If you’ve ever been on a sugar spree, you’d likely have experienced the energy spike and drop that comes with it. This is caused not only by fluctuating blood sugar levels but also your gut bacteria! Sugary, processed foods encourage bad bacteria to grow, creating an unbalanced microbiome and digestive issues like gas and bloating. Plus, an overgrowth of unfriendly gut bacteria have been known to amplify symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How probiotics can change you from the inside out

Probiotic foods like kombucha, kefir, tepache, kvass, yoghurt and sauerkraut are rich in good bacteria like lactobacillus. In the fermentation process, beneficial microorganisms feed on and break down the sugars in food in the absence of oxygen, and produce carbon dioxide in the process (that’s where the natural fizz in our kombucha and kefir comes from!). This anaerobic fermentation creates a tart, sour flavour that’s not only delicious but also incredibly healthy.

When you start consuming probiotic foods on the regular, you’ll experience some positive changes in your daily life. You may find it easier to digest your food, or reduced gas and bloating after a meal (this is especially helpful for IBS patients). Probiotics help to boost your immune system, energy levels and mood, and impart a healthy glow to your skin too!

When you start consuming probiotic foods on the regular, you’ll experience some positive changes in your daily life. Probiotics help to boost your immune system, energy levels and mood, and impart a healthy glow to your skin too!

Raw Vegan Cheesecake

At Atmosphere, every product we make is intended to boost your health. Made with natural, organic ingredients that are chosen with care, our kombucha, kefir and sugar-free vegan cheesecakes help you build a healthy gut and stronger body.

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