BLOAT NO MORE provides you with the enzymes you need to break down your food and digest and absorb what you eat, while DETOX aids the liver in detoxing the body and burning fat.
If you've been bloated or acidic for a while, chances are your body hasn't been triggered to make its own enzymes for digestion.
And when you're not breaking down food because you don't have the right enzymes, havoc is wreaked on the gut in turn resulting in a lot of nutrients that could have been turned into useful compounds in the body being wasted.
BLOAT NO MORE gives your body a break and does the work for it- while also training it to make these necessary enzymes to take the load off of the gut! DETOX aids the liver-gallbladder to clear out waste, burn fat and help you to be more energetic. Because if you're not digesting it you're storing it and this really bogs the gut down!
Consider these to be the 2 training wheels to getting your digestion back in order!