Natural Remedies for IBS
IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a collection of experienced symptoms in the gut, categorized by frequent pain in the stomach diarrhea, alternating diarrhea and constipation, gas and bloating. While not enough conclusive research has been conducted to date, it is currently believed that IBS is actually an autoimmune condition.
IBS more often than not starts with food poisoning, which causes the body to develop the antibodies to the proteins vinculin and cbtB. In turn, the anti-vinculin that our body builds up to fight the food poisoning (most common in IBS-D, a subcategory of IBS marked by frequent diarrhea,) goes against our own body. This leads to decreased motility in the gut, slowing the gut down.
This in turn leads to the buildup of bacteria in the gut, and can lead to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). When our gut’s motility is diminished, the cleaning wave that should happen stops happening, leading to a buildup of bacteria and resultant inflammation. This overall slowed state of the gut explains constipation that people with IBS-C experience. Otherwise, if more fluid gets into the colon, while it’s in this slowed down state and not able to absorb the liquid, that’s when we get diarrhea (IBS-D).
Pair this with all the bloating and gas we are getting from all of the extra bacteria reproducing and accumulating in the small intestine resultant from SIBO, and you’re left with a great deal of discomfort. Since digestion is a chain reaction akin to a domino effect, to learn more about what causes gas and bloating in the gut, and how to prevent bloating and gas in the stomach and reduce the effects of SIBO, check out our post about how to heal acidity and bloating naturally here.

IBS-M is used to denote IBS marked by alternating constipation and diarrhea (M for Mixed), while IBS-D denotes frequent diarrhea, and IBS-C denotes frequent constipation. IBS-D and IBS-M count for more than 2/3 of cases, while IBS-C and methane-predominant SIBO are relatively less common.
Since IBS often starts after a bout of food poisoning, It’s important to stay empowered with knowledge about how to prevent it and also what to do if your immune system has already been compromised.
For one, leaky gut or inflammation in the gut is a causing factor in the development of autoimmune disease. Leaky gut is a condition used to describe increased intestinal permeability (read: holes in the intestinal lining) that commonly arises from one of 3 things 1) stress (read: eating when you’re in a stressed state) 2) insufficient digestion 3) eating things you’re allergic to, often, which causes the body to mount an autoimmune response. If your gut is already in an inflamed state, your body's defenses will be low, and it will thus be more prone to falling ill from food poisoning.
I’m going to share with you if you totally natural herbal strategies to combat the development of IBS and leaky gut:
Remedies for food poisoning
In this current hot and humid weather, it's inevitable that you'll be exposed to foodborne illness at some point this season. If you end up having to eat at a questionable place, and/or consume produce that hasn't been properly cooked and/or cleaned, it's also helpful to have some tricks up your sleeve to work preventatively.
Try these at home remedies to prevent and deal with the runs naturally:
- Activated charcoal
- 1 teaspoon in water and/or 2-3 capsules, immediately after consuming the food and/or experiencing diarrhea
- Acv
- 1 tablespoon in water, can be taken with the activated charcoal.
- Oregano oil, thyme, or neem
- Take for 2 weeks, 2 capsules right before meals. Follow by 2 weeks of probiotics
Here are ways to heal the gut lining
Since increased permeability in the gut is leads to leaky gut and the development of an autoimmune response, it's important to heal and seal the lining of the gut, just like you would seal a tire with holes in it, to keep unwanted invaders and undigested food particles from entering the blood stream. The following healing herbs help to soothe and repair gut lining:
Aloe Vera
Bael leaf
Chandrashoor seed
Slippery elm bark
Bone broth (contains collagen and naturally occurring L-glutamine)
Remedies for IBS- C (Constipation)
- Naturally occurring fiber from flax seed, apples, carrots. Can also supplement with Bowel care- psyllium husk with bael leaf and chandrashoor seed
- Magnesium citrate to bowel tolerance
- Ghee/coconut oil/flaxseed oil, helps to lubricate the stools and eases discomfort
- Aloe vera juice
Ways to treat IBS-D and IBS-M:
- Omega 3's
- Helps to reduce inflammation in the gut due to an imbalance of omega 3 (anti-inflammatory fatty acids) and omega 6 (pro-inflammatory fatty acids). Try a fish oil source here or a vegan source here.
- Oregano oil/neem:
- Take for 2 weeks, 2 capsules right before meals. Follow by 2 weeks of probiotics
- Digestive enzymes
- Helps aid the body's natural breakdown of food; to read how to improve digestion naturally, head to our blog post here. Get them with stomach acid support or without.
- Liver clearing formula- LKC
- Probiotics: you're going to want to support the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut through introducing live and fresh probiotics. Probiotics such as sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, yogurt, kvass are amazing for your gut and can't be emphasized enough!