The Pure Gut Love Subscription

Your weekly ordering just got simpler than ever!

Sign up now to make sure you never run out of gut-health goodness packed in multiple boxes. From the time you let us know your choices, we bring it to your doorstep within 24 hours.

Each delivery contains:

1 box of kombucha (you pick the flavours)

2 boxes of crackers (you choose the flavour)

1 box of fudge (6pcs of chocolate, your pick!)

You can get:

5 deliveries ~5 boxes of kombucha +10 crackers & 5 Variety Fudge boxes

7 deliveries ~ 7 boxes of kombucha +14 crackers & 7 Variety Fudge boxes

How it works: once you place an order for your subscription, we make a WhatsApp group with you and our team. Every time you are ready for a delivery, you just message and let us know which flavours, and it'll be at your doorstep within 24 hours.

You can take as long as you would like to finish up your subscription. 

This program is completely customizable. You'll choose your kombucha flavours weekly and fill you boxes according to how you're feeling at that moment.

Rs. 13,320.00 Rs. 18,600.00
  • THAT'S ₹143.9/BOOCH!

Kombucha for pure gut love

4 BILLION PROBIOTICS | 60cal/serving

Taste: smooth, sweet, floral

  • Green Tea


  • Sugar

    to feed the probiotics


    pure probiotic love

  • What flavours do I get?

    As our Kombucha loyalist and subscriber, you have an access to all the in stock flavours on our website. Tell us which ones you want and we make it happen! Whether it’s an assortment of flavours or a booch overload of the same flavour, how you divide your picks in each box is completely up to you!

  • When do I get my box? 

    Right when you want it! Everyone who signs up for a subscription gets added to our WhatsApp group where you can notify us when you’re done with your box and would like a new batch. Whether it’s months from now or the same week, you’re just a text away from your daily booch fix!

  • Is the delivery different for the subscription?

    Nope! Each box in a subscription comes with 12 bottles of kombucha, no matter what flavour or plan you choose. Whether you have the 3-box plan or the 11-box plan, we will deliver our Gut-Health-In-A-Bottle to you within 24 hours.

Here's What Other Subscribers Have To Say!

why atmosphere kombucha?

Atmosphere Kombucha is not just good for your gut, it’s crafted with love- from our heart to touch yours. And as a female-driven company with the zest to create environment-friendly and immunity-boosting delights, we make sure each product is an all-rounder dose of goodness for the world. Now, raise a toast to good health and great flavours!

What Happens to your body when you drink Kombucha?

Though our magical flavours don’t actually give you superpowers, Atmosphere Kombucha does transform your gut-function on a daily basis. According to the booch expert Hanna Crum, it doesn’t just taste good; it makes you feel good. Moreover, it

  • Balances your gut microbiome
  • Improves your immune system
  • Gives you an energy boost
  • Helps your metabolic and digestive health
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